Dirty fund transfers

Out of date, out of date. What the ****! My blog is managed in a very efficient way, so please don't event think of criticizing it... I feel better now, after this little argument :)

Some news now. I went to the graduation ceremony of my engineering school in France last saturday. It was really nice to see my french friends again before they start their first job, and before I start my internship. As I did my last year in Australia, I will graduate in January next year, at the end of my internship in Toulouse. The ceremony was really long and boring, with old engineers, directors of Information Systems in big banks (BNP Paribas,...). Their speechs were so lazy and it was so warm 2 days ago, that I almost died. Anyway the dinner was really good and pleasantly light. The white wine was excellent but the red one wasn't at the proper temperature according to my last roommate's daddy. We were all very happy to see each other again, and they were disappointed delighted to hear my stupid jokes... Naturally we got a big screen during the dinner to watch France/Brazil. And the hall was on fire after the first goal and at the end of the match. I would tell you in private, that I still believe France paid some brazilian players to let our country win. How can you believe in 3/0 in 1998 and 1/0 in 2006 against the best soccer team ever without some dirty fund transfers?!

I wish a Happy Birthday (BD in Naoko's style, "Bande Dessinée" in French means Comics) to Canadian Ian. I hope you enjoyed your birthday card :)

9 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

C'est bien malin d'écrire en anglais! du coup y'a plus de commentaies !
en tps t'es pas près de les voir !
tu dois être sur la route... pour retrouver la ville de Nougaro !
bon courage

Anonyme a dit…

My soon a quitté le "nid" !
Cà y est il est parti où presque pour une nouvelle vie!
il est bien arrivé dans le pays de Nougaro. OH TOULOUSE !!!

Anonyme a dit…

son = fils
soon = déjà ou tôt !
y'a encore des progrès à faire !

Anonyme a dit…

Ok pour son and soon. je savais!
merci à "l'utilisateur anonyme "
qui n'a pas le courage de se nommer

-M-ric a dit…

Hum, I didn't know commenting in english was so hard. Actually I don't care whether you comment in french or in english...
I will just always reply in english.

I found my flat and move my stuff in yesterday. And as soon as I get Internet, I'll show you some pictures of Toulouse.

Anonyme a dit…

Bon alors ce stage ? ça donne quoi ? et ton appart ??
racontes !
bon courage po ces 2 jours !
à ce we !

Anonyme a dit…

emeric t'es quand même un sacré biquet!
Est ce que moi je vais blogger en chinois sous prétexte que je suis en chine!
Non mais des fois!
bon courage dans la ville rose, je sens que tu vas en voir des vertes et des pas mures!!!
Bon désolé pour ce trop long silence mais je ne t'ai pas oublié ma pustule,

ta verrue

Anonyme a dit…

Wow, your blog is so up-to-date.


-M-ric a dit…

I'm back. So stop teasing me. And about the language, I got a solution. I know, I'm the best :)